Quick Syllabus
To become data struct experts, you need to master the following topics:
1. Precondition/Postcondition specifications
2. Self-Referential Classes
3. Dynamic Memory Allocation and Data Structures
4. Linked List
5. Stacks
6. Queues
7. Trees
Grading System
Lec - 70% - Quizzes(40%), Attendance(5%), Class Recitation(5%), Long Tests(20%), Exam(30%)
Lab - 30% - Quizzes(50%), Attendance (5%), Exam(45%)
note: Only 4 absences are allowed for the whole duration of the semester.
- Late Homework
- Homework will be accepted up to 24 hours after the deadline with a 5% penalty. No homework will be accepted after that point, so please submit your work within 24 hours of the deadline even if the work is only partly completed.
- Missed Exams or Quizzes
- Makeup exams or quizzes can be arranged only if you inform me at least 24 hours ahead of time or if an unavoidable problem causes you to miss class. Other missed exams or quizzes will be recorded as a zero score. A medical certificate should be submitted to me to validate your reason for absence.
Book References: C++ How to Program, fifth edition by Deitel
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